Rocket Ship Founder Podcast

Rocket Ship Founder is my weekly podcast dedicated to supporting Founders on their journey. Episodes are short (around 12 minutes) but high value. Each week I dig into a particular topic on Founder life. Special focus on helping ADHD Founders, building great offers and reliable lead flow. Enjoy!

Previous Posts and Podcast Episodes

What's between you and your next breakthrough

What's between you and your next breakthrough

January 12, 20231 min read

This week, I made quite a few people uncomfortable. Or more accurately, I made them face things that were uncomfortable.

I helped one Founder face the fact they needed to make serious cuts to get their financial house in order.

I helped another Founder face the fact that while their product was amazing, it was too hard for their customers to figure out how it would make their life better.

These are not fun conversations. They can be real gut punches.  

But it may be one of the most important ways I help Founders.B ecause I've learned over the years that on the other side the uncomfortable things are the biggest breakthroughs.

Ben Horowitz of Andreessen Horowitz was once asked what made him a good CEO. He said, "because I went right at uncomfortable things instead of away from them.

"In this week's Rocket Ship Founder Podcast Episode, I talk about why facing the biggest uncomfortable things in your business is one of the essential skills Founders need to cultivate.

Because if you don't face the big uncomfortable things in your business,  you'll still end up dealing with their effects on your business every day.

And eventually it catches up to you anyway.

The good news is that your next breakthrough is on the other side of the uncomfortable stuff.In this week's Rocket Ship Founder Podcast episode, I cover:

  1. Why facing the uncomfortable creates breakthroughs

  2. The single most important question to ask yourself and your team

  3. How to make friends with the uncomfortable.

  4. A powerful question that will help you move through challenges

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