Rocket Ship Founder Podcast

Rocket Ship Founder is my weekly podcast dedicated to supporting Founders on their journey. Episodes are short (around 12 minutes) but high value. Each week I dig into a particular topic on Founder life. Special focus on helping ADHD Founders, building great offers and reliable lead flow. Enjoy!

Previous Posts and Podcast Episodes

The Problem with Thought Leadership

The Problem with Thought Leadership

November 03, 20221 min read

I’ve had a few conversations with First-Time founders over the past week that have gone like this:

“So, what’s your strategy for build your pipeline and sales?”

“Mainly thought leadership and content marketing. “

You may ask yourself, “wait, what could possibly be wrong about thought leadership as a sales strategy?”

Well, that’s the thing. Thought leadership isn’t actually strategy.

It can be an important ingredient or an element of your customer flywheel.

But it’s not a sales strategy on its own.

In this week’s episode of the Rocket Ship Business Academy Podcast, I cover:

  1. What thought leadership gets you…

  2. …and what it doesn’t.

  3. Customer flywheels and what you need to build them

  4. The absolutely critical step to maximize the impact of your thought leadership

Need to accelerate your B2B sales and scalable product market fit? Reach out at [email protected]

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