Rocket Ship Founder Podcast

Rocket Ship Founder is my weekly podcast dedicated to supporting Founders on their journey. Episodes are short (around 12 minutes) but high value. Each week I dig into a particular topic on Founder life. Special focus on helping ADHD Founders, building great offers and reliable lead flow. Enjoy!

Previous Posts and Podcast Episodes

What's between you and your next breakthrough

This week, I made quite a few people uncomfortable. Or more accurately, I made them face things that were uncomfortable. ...more


January 12, 20231 min read

What's between you and your next breakthrough

Ruthless Simplicity (Your Real Job)

When I was running my first startup, I loved solving complex problems and creating elegant solutions. As a Type V - Visionary Evangelist Founder Type it was (and is) my jam. And I had a good talent fo... ...more


November 17, 20221 min read

Ruthless Simplicity (Your Real Job)

When the hits keep coming

This week's Rocket Ship Business Academy Podcast episode is one of my most personal. I hope you will find valuable to you as a Founder, but even more importantly, as a person. ...more


November 11, 20221 min read

When the hits keep coming

The Problem with Thought Leadership

I’ve had a few conversations with First-Time founders over the past week that have gone like this: ...more


November 03, 20221 min read

The Problem with Thought Leadership

3 Things Keeping You From Growing Sales

If I could only solve one single challenge for Founders, what would it be? ...more


October 20, 20221 min read

3 Things Keeping You From Growing Sales

2x Acceleration

As Founders, we dream of building a rocket ship business that takes off, makes a huge impact and creates tremendous financial abundance. ...more


October 13, 20221 min read

2x Acceleration
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